"Nature is with you, my children: therefore do not fear in your hard work. Whatever you do, if you do it with the invincible conviction that you will succeed, that you are doing it because you want to make of your body something beautiful, whatever you do then can't fail to bring you closer to your Ideal. You have a right to attainment of your own idea of beauty. Whatever you want to be, you have a right to become.
"Don't listen to others who tell you that you'll never make it, because you don't have it in yourself: they're wrong. Don't listen, either, to those who tell you that you're good enough as you are, and that you should be content with what you have. You have a right to have exactly what you want, what you need, what you love. That right, you bring it to concrete realization at the sweat of your brow, and you alone bring yourself to its attainment, through the work of your hands, of your body, of your mind. No one else does it for you. And thus, if your right is acquired through your own work alone, is it a right, or a duty?
"I answer you it is both at once. It is your right to become exactly what you desire. It is also your duty. Whatever is the best you imagine for yourself, is your innermost nature, it's what you were created for, and it's your duty to return to it. You live only a half-life so long as you remain what you feel in yourself you are not, and you live only a half-life so long as you don't attain what you know you were made to be, what you are on this Earth for, what Art can bring you to be. You work only a half-work so long as you don't work towards that perfection you see, telling yourself it's too high a goal to attain. Your art is not true Art so long as you don't strive in it to attain that Ideal, which can't be refused to you, and which you can't refuse to yourself.
"Meanwhile you must accept to live a half-life, to work a half-work, and to be half of an artist. But the teaching it gives you is courage, for you know you will come to completion eventually in your life, in your work, in your Art. Then will you feel utterly, entirely complete, absolute joy granted you at last: and it will be through the sweat of your own brow and through your own work, hope, and persistence. It will be the greatest reward of all."
- The Living Dancer