"I will tell you another secret: your body is linked to your spirit by the magical link of confidence & inspiration. That link is very important, because it is that which makes possible the expression of the soul through the body, that is, artistic expression. That link must be kept intact and strong at all times, for when it breaks, the connection of the body to the soul is severed and until it is found again, the body can no longer express the soul.
"Now you wonder: how is that link kept intact? How is it destroyed? And I will not conceal the answer from you: fear, fear alone, doubts, mistrust in your own self, is what severs that link! Fear, your own fear is your worst enemy; it breaks the divine thread that connects you to your soul, to the highest part of yourself, and keeps you from expressing it. Each time you let a fear or a doubt in your own ability make its way into your mind you hinder your development, as an artist and as a human being.
"There is but one way to true artistry: absolute confidence in yourself, unalloyed trust in your expressive and creative powers, belief in yourself. You must believe that you are perfect, that your Ideal is perfect, and take joy in striving to attain it, knowing that you already have it within yourself, that it is your only true self.
"Every day sees your misery, your captivity in the chains of your fears and your doubts; every day you make in yourself the oath that you will take revenge upon them, your oppressors, with every single breath you take; every day you swear to yourself that you will sunder these chains and break free at last: but this won't happen before true Need itself guides your actions, and suppresses all fear, all doubt from your heart & your mind. The task is not easy; but when this happens, the reward is such as you will not regret having suffered for it, be it the greatest suffering you can bear!"
-The Living Dancer